Terms and conditions for Lyngby Turistfart A/S

Lyngby Turistfart A/S

Islevdalvej 110

2610 Rødovre


Phone: +45 45870111

CVR Number: 75976518


Lyngby Turistfart A/S accept online payment by Visa/Dankort and MasterCard. Lyngby Turistfart A/S use a secure server for payment.

All information is SSL encrypted, so your data are safeguarded and not accessible for unauthorized entry.

Cancellations and changes

Cancellations driving can be made free of charge until 48 hours before start.

Cancellations of driving 48-24 hours before start will be invoiced at 50 % of the total amount.

Cancellations of driving 0-24 timer before start will be invoiced at the full amount.

Changes implying a reduction of number or size of coaches required are considered cancellations.

Cancellations related to any additional deliveries like guide services, ferry tickets, food and drinks are subject to the terms and conditions of the subcontractor.


Complaints must be directed to Lyngby Turistfart A/S during or the day after the trip at the latest.

Customer & privacy politics

We do not sell or pass on any personal data to other entities. Your data will be kept in our customer data base for five years, and if there has been no activity on your customer number, all data will be deleted from our files at that time.

The CEO and staff of Lyngby Turistfart A/S will have access to your data. Data Protection Officer of Lyngby Turistfart A/S is CEO and owner, Carsten Andersen.

We are fully GDPR-Compliant. At any time, you are welcome to contact us and get your data changed or deleted, please send a mail to ca@lyngbyturistfart.dk.


www.lyngbyturistfart.dk use cookies to optimize the functionality of our website. Please refer to your browser manual regarding deletion of cookies.


Log statistics

Vi apply log statistics on www.lyngbyturistfart.dk with the sole purpose of optimizing our website.


Consumer protection

For further information on your protection when you pay via PensoPay, please refer to: https://pensopay.com/en/more/consumer-protection/