Lyngby Turistfart and the people behind

Lyngby Turistfart is owned and run by Carsten Andersen, who is 3rd generation in the company. Since we were founded in 1947, our family has established a unique knowhow within coach transportation and everything related to this business.

Local player with international network

Lyngby Turistfart is based in Greater Copenhagen, but our reach bus charter capacity is almost unlimited due to a strong international network.

Events with simultaneous transport of +5000 passengers

We plan and manage huge events with +5000 passengers on a yearly basis, but every group has our full attention, and rest assured that both our drivers and our office staff will always go the extra mile to make you feel welcome and satisfied.

Carsten Andersen

Carsten Andersen


Booking, Book keeping & Marketing

Per Imer

Per Imer

Transport Manager

Thomas Mortensen

Thomas Mortensen

Transport Manager
Annette Grif

Annette Grif


Booking & Administration

Bettina Ersvær

Bettina Ersvær


Booking & Adminstration

Søren Christensen

Søren Christensen
